The exemption of the logging…


The exemption of the logging industry from the Endangered Species at Risk act is an egregious attempt at eliminating the impact and effectiveness of this legislation towards the protection of caribou herds and the valuable forest ecosystem that sustains them. Even the development of logging roads is enough to cause significant damage to one of the last unbroken areas of forest on the planet.

Ontario has a long history of massive resource extraction for export, with little investment in developing high-value manufacturing within the province based on these resources. As a result, large areas of forest are clearcut and destroyed, with little significant benefit to local communities and Ontarians as a whole. This is in stark contrast to industry in countries such as Norway, where careful selective logging supports local manufacturing, increasing revenues while decreasing total ecological impact.

It is saddening to see that our government continues to see our ecological inheritance no differently than robber barons of the 19th century. Bold and creative vision is required to develop forestry that is respectful of the land, the animals, and the First Peoples who have lived with them for millennia, while developing new industries that add value to these places and support all of the people who live here. The proposed exemptions to this new act demonstrate that the current government cannot see the forest for the trees.

[Original Comment ID: 212739]