I have been recently made…

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I have been recently made aware of the changes to regulations coming into effect soon. I find it reprehensible that the composition of BGMAC is slanted towards male hunters and does not take into account the wishes of all Ontarions.

I also question the desire to hunt calves. This is illogical and goes against studies on maintaining the health and continuity of a herd. Unless you are an ancient ruler, slaughtering the young is never a good answer.

I fail to see why it is not possible to restrict hunting to specific sections. Why cannot you establish a home-free or safe zone for moose? Furthermore, while I am writing this, why not spend less money on this legislation and hunting committees and more on monitoring, research resources and even, novel idea here - on enforcement. Hunters do get carried away. Repugnant as the idea of hunting anything except for food is to me, I believe it is permissible under certain circumstances and monitored closely. Unfortunately, this committee and the changing rules do not indicate they are going to fulfill even the basics.

Courteously yours

B.M. Durtnall

Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research
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