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This comment is in reference to ERO No. 019-0913 the proposal to extend the moratorium on water bottling permits, to private companies, such as Nestle, et al.

The fact that we are even selling off our rights to water is in itself, insane. However, the planned 9 months to "give the ministry time to complete its analysis of the water quantity review and to publicly consult on and finalize changes to how we manage water takings before the moratorium ends. This way, we can be confident our programs, policies and science protect vital water resources while keeping Ontario open for business."

Well that's the problem. "Vital" water should not be a business. It is a right that we as human beings have in this world and must not belong to million dollar companies. It is absolutely ludicrous, if that word can alone cover the scope of this travesty. That we do and are impelled to continue paying for water that is bottled - which pours free from our taps is such a scam.


Please stop this. To think we can ever understand the implications of robbing areas of MASSIVE amounts of water, all in the name of money is incredibly short sighted and ultimately self defeating. I hope someone with some good common sense will see this comment and hopefully many more, and set this right.

Thank you for your attention.


C. G.