I am 100% against the Spring…

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I am 100% against the Spring Bear Hunt. In case you need a reminder, this is now the 21st century. We need not return to out-moded, destructive and clearly flawed ways of thinking about "wildlife management." We are currently well-immersed in the 6th mass extinction. MILLIONS of wild animals are killed every year in the U.S, Canada and worldwide. This must stop. I suggest you do the research. It's only a few keystrokes away.

The Spring bear hunt is particularly egregious. Mother bears come out of their dens in the Spring with their young cubs in tow. To kill a mother bear while in the presence of her young and to take away the only source of the young cubs' survival is unconscionable. The cubs are unable to take care of themselves and die a slow and painful death. I cannot seriously comprehend how this is even up for debate. How would you like your mother shot in front of you? Research is clear: Animals are obviously sentient, emotional beings who value their lives just as much as humans value theirs. Please do not let a small, but destructive, minority of hunters dictate policy.

If you were to hold a referendum on this issue, it would be completely rejected by the People of Ontario. Any clear thinking person with even an ounce of sense and compassion would outright reject the horrific Spring Bear Hunt. Please respect Motherhood and the life-force. Wildlife does not belong to hunters. They have zero entitlement over wildlife. It's time to wake up, and to put these archaic notions behind us as we more into a more enlightened era in the Province of Ontario. I urge you to krrp the ban on the Spring Bear hunt -- NOW and FOREVER.