As someone who works at a…

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As someone who works at a wildlife rehabilitation centre, I see the effects of humans on wildlife on a daily basis. In addition to personally witnessing the devastating impacts we have on other species, the science is clear that wildlife populations across species are in decline. That enough should be reason to take action to protect those with which we share our planet.

It's reprehensible to me that the province I live in would consider allowing a hunt when bears are most vulnerable. Mothers foraging for food after a long winter to support their young - babies which will be left to starve to death when hunters shoot her, not knowing she's female. Let's face it, that happens all of the time.

Instead of constantly considering the rights of the few hunters, why not consider the rights the rest of us have to live in a balanced system that values fellow species. I am not against hunting. I grew up in a family that hunted responsibly, took the time to learn about the animal, its natural behaviours and tracking on order to avoid errors. A nursing mother would NEVER be shot. And animals were eaten, taking only what was reasonably consumable. Will these hunters be eating bear, for the most part, that's unlikely.

The Conservative government needs to do what is right for everyone not just the base base that supports it.

As we now have stricter laws to protect domestic animals, please ask yourself why this any different. Starving babies is nothing less than cruelty. And baiting stations aren't hunting, they're just a way for rednecks to shoot something. Disgusting. I do not support this.