I'm am grateful that the…

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I'm am grateful that the MNRF has the scientific expertise to conduct the research informing potential changes to the management of black bears on the Bruce Peninsula, where I reside. Given the troubling results of the most recent population viability analysis, I support all efforts to reduce human-caused mortality to our black bears.

Given the well documented annual increases in tourism and development in our area, I foresee concomitant increases in the threats to black bears arising from: road mortality, habitat loss & fragmentation and human-bear interactions. In the face of this, I question the need for any open hunting season for this species.

Thus, I support (1) ongoing population monitoring and research collaborations and (2) efforts to reduce human-cause mortality; however, I feel that this proposal falls short in allowing any harvest.

I would like to see a moratorium on the harvest of black bears until a population viability model, incorporating trends in the above-mentioned risks, indicates that this population can be hunted sustainably.