I disagree with the spring…

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I disagree with the spring bear hunt as human beings are generally heartless and greedy. The hunters won't care if the bear is a female or a cub. They're generally gun happy and are willing to shoot at anything that moves. Kill now, check later. Thus saying, if a female bear/mother bear is shot in the spring, her cub is left to survive on its own, which I'm pretty sure with all the predators out there, the cubs chances are next to slim. There are hunters out there nowadays who are shooting moose for the fun of it leaving them to the predators to dispose of. They have no intention of harvesting the moose for their families or anyone else to benefit. No, they're just gun happy. It's these kind of people that will go out and shoot female/bears and her cubs just for their greedy fulfillment to kill if you continue to allow the spring bear hunt to go on. I'm sure the camps and tourism will continue to benefit without the spring bear hunt. After all fishing season is year round basically. Then there's deer and moose season, not to mention bird. I'm sure with all these seasons of hunting, the camp owners are still prospering quite well. But it's all about the almighty dollar. That's what tourism is all about. Getting rich. And that is why the camp owners vote for the spring bear hunt. Let's fill our pockets even more.