Killing for sport is…

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Killing for sport is sadistic. There has to be something wrong with you to enjoy this sort of thing, and governments should not be in the business of allowing it. If someone enjoys playing around with guns, target shooting at inanimate objects should suffice.

This has nothing to do with conservation. Human interventions in "conservation" efforts - killing animal A to save the population of animal B - always fails because human intervention is the problem. Don't delude yourselves and lie to the public by saying that there's some "good" reason behind these efforts.

If you enjoy killing something for the fun of it because it gives you joy to watch a beautiful living, sentient creature have it's life extinguished at your hands, the government should be providing mental health supports and therapy, not a licence to kill and "open season" style hunting. Anyone who thinks this is "fun" or "sport" needs help. That's where the government should be stepping in. Studies prove that many killers get their start by killing animals. Yet this "tough on crime" government basically wants to give people a head start in becoming a society of sadistic serial killers.

This whole thing just defies logic, and it's disgusting. Do better with taxpayer money. Be better human beings. If this government wants to prove that it values life, this would be the place to start. If you want to do something helpful, stop hunting, don't let animals become orphaned for such sadistic reasons and open wildlife sanctuaries to help these animals.