I am against the hunting of…

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I am against the hunting of Black Bear. I think by now, unless we are not aware of statistics on why you feel the need to do this. With the possible of orphan cubs, the mess of changing the eco balance of the wildlife. This again in due course go in that direction. Also, with the past major fires which of course alters the bear food chain it also alters there hunting. You alter everything but this, not only the hunting would also bring more traffic in scattering even more problems. Elicit hunting, killing cubs so on. You have your statistics, you have no doubt many links. I'm just giving my voice to this cause. I've seen how in many cases humans alter so much to only cause more damage in long term. But I hope this does not happen. U less there is the idealism of profit for the government? Then I can see why in your eyes needs to be done.. SHAME..... but I said enough. I'm not going to go into many links, or stuff, as I said, you have that by many others. I'm just asking as a decent person.. our wildlife has suffered too much..