My comment is to the spring…

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My comment is to address the spring bear hunt regulations

I do not support the spring bear hunt being extended -

I support the position taken by Premier Mike Harris when he ended the hunt and for all the reasons he cited at that time.

The complete and current data associated with the hunt should be in a readily available website - to ensure transparency and further build confidence in OMNRF management practices

If the hunt was to be extended - the use of bait and the use of dogs should not be allowed (prohibited) at any time of the year.

It is not unreasonable to assume the use of bait can be expected to habituate post hibernation bears to waste human food products and results in the establishing the conditions for creating nuisance bears -

Personal experience - indicates the use of bait in the spring results in dead female (lactating) bears. Orphaned cubs are difficult to locate. Poor light conditions (Dawna nd dusk) make it difficult to distinguish between male and female bears except in the situation of exceptional large male bears - an uncommon event.

The use of bait is also not sportsmanlike and is viewed unfavaourably by sportsmen in the hunting of other species in Ontario -

The use of bait and tree stands reflects badly on hunting - when viewed by both non-hunters and many hunters. There is a social licence applicable to all hunting that can be put in jeopardy by the continuation of this unsportsman-like practice - baited spring bear hunts are tough to defend.