Just because you have a…


Just because you have a majority government, doesn’t give you carte blanche to push through legislation that everyone has a right to be involved in. This is a democracy not a dictatorship, and your actions are a demonstration of just how selfish and arrogant you are as a political party who was voted in by the people of Ontatrio to create positive change. This is no longer the case and you have lost public trust.

This (MZO’s and Schedule 6 of Bill 229) are abusive and inappropriate measures that you will never be able to remove from your legacy. The environment does not need to be sacrificed in the name of the economy, and many countries with far more maturity, stronger inclusive policies, and overall business acumen have proven this to be a fact. You are living in the past and relying on an outdated business philosophy.

Stop shrinking the breadbasket of Ontario, destroying wetlands that we desperately need to save money on flood mitigation, and understand that as the population grows the more greenspace will be needed, not less.

You’re impact in these areas will be felt by your children and their children, don’t humiliate yourselves anymore than you already have.