The abrogation of the rights…


The abrogation of the rights of Canadian citizens by this draconian measure is a clear indication of the
distain for democracy and the rights of property owners. It gives too much unquestioned authority to what I consider an unelected individual whose qualifications are not even considered. As a property owner myself, I can assure you that this seems like the worst idea I ever heard of, and only removes any trust a citizen may have for their government. A bad decision made by the MZO has a wide
ranging effect on the most valuable entity most citizens have, which is their property. That includes the
inevitable erosion of property values, even if the MZO’s decision is not specifically made about their
particular property. Property rights of an individual and the sanctity thereof are the backbone of a free and prosperous country. As for trying to make this all sound better, by Minister Clark, just remember that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is likely to be only the beginning of the over reach, if this is allowed to stand.