I am a Canadian citizen and…


I am a Canadian citizen and live in the Province of Ontario.

I am VERY STRONLY OPPOSED to the changes enacted under Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. I am very disturbed by the lack of transparancy and disregard for the democratic process that Bill 197 represents, specifically with regard to the enhanced powers granted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to unilaterally remove municipal use of site plan control, require agreements between the municipality and development proponents concerning site plan matters, and make amendments to Minister’s Zoning Orders that use any of these enhanced authorities without first giving public notice or requiring public consultation.

These enhanced powers MUST be repealed and the power to determine the site plan controls returned to the municipalities. Further, and most importantly, no development should be allowed to take place in Ontario without the meaningful engagement and democratic consent of the people.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197.