1. The Muncipal Zoning Order…


1. The Muncipal Zoning Order (MZO) was originally conceived to allow for the Minister to make zoning decisions for an unincorporated municipality not having a Zoning Bylaw etc. It has wisely been used sparingly by past governments until the Ford government started using the MZO like kids in a candy shop. And they are “kids” - and it certainly is a candy shop for the developers and party donors who have the Ford government in their back pockets. An MZO means no public discussion or debate or the usual compliance with the Planning Act - completely contrary to how proper planning has taken place for decades.
2. Consider this. Doug Ford and Steve Clark have no formal education in land use planning. They are life long politicians lacking any formal post secondary education from I can find online. Still, the pair consider THEY know what’s best for every municipality in every situation. How is that possible? And they certainly don’t want to consider the requirements of the Conservation Authorities Act that have guided and protected Ontarians for decades. They consider that Act an impediment to post pandemic recovery. What unmitigated arrogance.
3. The Doug Ford government is not a true democratic government in the first place. It is a top down autocracy with the all knowing, all-wise Doug Ford calling the shots. The rest of cabinet must nod in agreement or Ford will have one of his signature temper tantrums with possible banishment from the cabal. We, the public, write our MPP’s with our concerns but those poor MPP’s are powerless to deal with that bulldozer of a man with Steve Clark as his enabling magician.
4. The injunction just granted against the Ford government in their covert demolition of the Dominion Foundry in the West Donlands (under a MZO) is telling and hopeful. It shows the courts are willing to come to the rescue of the public and its input in municipal decision-making. May the City of Stratford have the same good fortune in fighting their own MZO which obligates the City proceed with a controversial glass factory.
5. I do not expect the input requested by the Ministry herein to ever see the light of day unless it is input that supports the Ford govenment’s position in there matters. I challenge Steve Clark and Premier Ford to do the right thing and rethink their over-use of the MZO.