Under provisions of CEPA,…

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Under provisions of CEPA, updated Environmental Emergency Regulations were enacted in 2019, requiring companies to have an environmental emergency plan depending on volumes of hazardous chemicals listed on Schedule 1 that they handle on site. Entegris will be producing, using, packaging and distributing high volumes of hazardous chemicals. The Entegris website in part includes “bulk chemical distribution" and "safe storage and delivery of highly toxic gasses”.
There is no way to know if any of the redacted chemicals could be on the federal government’s Schedule 1 list, and information on volumes is not provided. Nitrogen dioxide or toluene (2016 NPRI data 27 tonnes) may meet the thresholds listed in the regulation. The company has said that volumes do not meet the requirement for an environmental emergency plan. We are unsure if this statement was based on the 45% expansion of the plant and its operation. This plant is very close to residential streets and a school, there was a fire several years ago.