In the Proposal Details, one…

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In the Proposal Details, one finds the following sentences: "Ontario has built a clean energy supply. Prioritizing renewable generation is no longer appropriate." What planet has this government been living on? Much of the rest of the world realizes that a clean, renewable energy supply is vital in our efforts to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Since the time that the current Ontario government came into power, it has assaulted the renewable energy sector relentlessly as witnessed by the cancellation of over 750 contracts for renewable energy projects as one of its first actions. This assault has continued unabated. To put things into perspective, in 2020 the renewable energy sector produced less than 35% of the electricity generated in Ontario - 25.06% for water generated electricity; 7.98% for wind; 0.51% for solar and 0.25% for bio fuel. In contrast, more than 65% of the electricity was produced by non renewable, dirty sources such as nuclear 59.60% and gas 6.60%. What Ontario desperately needs is the scaling down as quickly as possible of nuclear and gas facilities, to be replaced by renewable sources of energy. As well, agreements with Quebec to further supply Ontario with their abundance of water sourced electricity would be helpful while we increase our renewable supply of energy. Also, research and development into the storage of electricity should be a high priority so that at those times when supply is high and demand low (for example windy days at non-peak-use hours), electricity could be stored to be used when demand is high and supply low.