This proposal is quite…

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This proposal is quite alarming given the enormity of the climate emergency that we are facing. Also, it is quite puzzling given that the rest of the world is headed in the opposite direction that you have chosen. Renewable energy is the future. Almost every other jurisdiction in the world has made a commitment to reducing GHG emissions and develop renewable energy sources. This action by the government will be a backwards step for Ontario as we will not be able to meet our targets to reduce GHG emissions. As the International Energy Agency (IEA) has stated in it’s just released document Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector “Renewable energy technologies like solar and wind are the key to reducing emissions in the electricity sector, which is today the single largest source of CO2 emissions”. Why would the government of Ontario go against these recommendations?

There are fiscal benefits to prioritizing the development of clean renewable energy. According to the IEA onshore wind and solar are now the lowest cost of sources of new electricity supply in most countries and these costs are projected to continue to fall. Also, renewable energy sources are the energy systems of the future. We are putting our work force at a disadvantage if we do not train people in these areas. By encouraging growth in the renewable energy sector we could position Ontario as a leader in this area. If we do not encourage the growth of this sector then investment will go to the USA who has committed to renewable energy. Finally, if we do not move towards renewable energy then we will need to pour money into the fallout of forest fires, flooding, storms and people becoming sick from an unhealthy environment.