Do not touch the Greenbelt. …

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Do not touch the Greenbelt. You previously promised you wouldn't; on Twitter, May 1, 2018 you said "The people have spoken - we will maintain the Greenbelt in its entirety". We are in the middle of a climate and environmental crisis and you are (still) only looking out for your developer friends. We should be strengthening environmental protections, not opening up the Greenbelt and destroying ecosystems, putting watersheds at risk, damaging farmland, etc. You have broken promise after promise (e.g. not touching the UBI pilot, which you turned around and cancelled; getting rid of EQAO, which instead you installed your friend and gave the position a massive pay raise; leaving the Beer Store contract in place, which you then ripped up, etc etc etc etc to infinity). You have no right to force municipalities to extend their borders and destroy protected land. Over and over your government is arrogant; it doesn't keep its promises. If you care about kids, then you should also care about their environmental future. It is protected land for a reason. Do NOT touch the Greenbelt.