It is quite upsetting having…

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It is quite upsetting having to constantly raise concerns to this government when it comes to things that should be considered off limits. Keeping the Green Belt lands protected has been so important and to see it at risk again is unacceptable.

After how many times this issue has been contested we still look to these lands as a way to make money rather than protecting it. This land was meant for the animals that live there and the benefits to the environment that we very clearly need.

The developments that plan to be made wouldn’t be the solution we need for a housing crisis either, rather many more high rise or townhouses. Plenty of people and animals are struggling to survive in this province and this proposed amendment is showing how much importance they all clearly lack.

Being a great place to look that isn’t protected land that has been looked after for years would be all the current infrastructure being unused. To rebuild/repurpose for the people who are in need of homes is welcomed by many as you would come to find out.

The Green Belt lands have been around for a long time and that is something to be proud of. The reasons this land was protected in the first place hasn’t changed and it pains me to see how many times this government has tried tearing it out from under our feet.

This proposed amendment has gained attention and I implore you to read what the people have to say. The land and animals still deserve the protection placed on it. On a personal note, couldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t write in anything. Just to see someone place their second house for the weekends down or another investment property going for $3000 a month without utilities. Don’t want to believe that would be the plan but proposed amendments like this really question my trust in these situations.

Thanks for the time for reading this and of course have a great day.