This is a horrible idea. …

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This is a horrible idea. Adding to the green belt is great, but don't remove the protections that exist! Develop that houses that have already been approved fr development but not built first! If more houses are need, expand cities to the north that don't have as much farm land. Like Sudbury. A place where there is way more green space than we have in S ON. Don't destroy the little we have left! Every city in S oN has incredible problems with coyotes due to loss of habit. Cities are expanding too rapidly as it is. We don't have the infrastructure - highways, waste disposal systems etc to manage the numbers we have currently even! If more housing is needed in S UP. High rises. With ground floor shopping, health care and other service facilities. So people don't have to drive everywhere. Make well-planned neighborhoods that will actually improve the environment and be affordable, rather destroying our little remaining Greenspace so that your land speculating contractor friends can get rich by building so-called "luxury" cookie-cutter house hell.