It's not JUST about air…

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It's not JUST about air quality. Our air is not a concern for most people ever since the last coal plant was closed. What IS a concern is that fossil-fuel powered vehicles are not sustainable. This resolution makes it seem as if diesel fuel or gasoline is a solution to how we want transport in Ontario to work.

It isn't. Four years old know that we can't keep up our insatiable appetite for hydrocarbon fuel. This is an obstacle to those looking to make the transition. What should be happening in parliament is tax breaks for electric cars, and a carbon tax on gasoline. Money from that taxation should go toward the construction of clean power facilities, which would provide the energy for Ontario's electric vehicles. This mindset is behind on the time, and not in touch with what the up and coming generations, who will be suffering the consequences of your decisions, want to see in this province.

You do now own this Earth. You are borrowing it. Treat it kindly, one day you'll have to give it back. Leave the world better than you found it.