Although housing shortages…

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Although housing shortages are real and more homes have to be built, a careful approach and well thought out plan are necessary before proceeding if the needs of all Ontario citizens are to be met in a fair way. We are very concerned about the Govt of Ontario's tabled Bill 23, The More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022.
First of all, there is not enough time to respond for individuals, municipalities, Conservation Authorities (CAs) and other stakeholders to respond to the extensive changes that Bill 23 proposes to make: changes to wetlands evaluation; development of the Green Belt; which the present government promised not to touch; removal of the right to appeal planning decisions, weakening the role of CAs

This bill, in our opinion, contradicts the message contained in the Natural Heritage section of your proposal, where you state "Natural heritage provides many benefits to people and the natural world." You go on to say that "Conserving Ontario's natural heritage has become more difficult as development pressures, climate change and other threats isolate and threaten wetlands, woodlands, and the natural wildlife habitat. " This bill will not contribute to conserving the natural heritage of the Greenbelt, and potentially other conserved areas of the province, valuable farmland and wetlands, but will allow the provincial government to make decisions to the contrary. This is shortsighted, unwise and irresponsible to Ontario citizens who want to do what they can to mitigate the effects of climate change by preserving green spaces. A number of polls over the years indicate that people are worried about losing our natural heritage and want governments to do everything possible to protect areas that have been already set aside for that purpose. They don't want their environment laws watered down but rather strengthened. This reflects what leaders from all over the world are saying. Everyone we have talked to has been alarmed at Bill 23 and its implications for the future. They would like the government to look seriously at alternatives to Bill 23. More study is needed and definitely more public input. This proposed bill gives too much power to the government, while taking it away from the people.