The proposal to integrate a…

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The proposal to integrate a streamed lined land use policy instrument will only work if there remains a commitment to prevent expansion of urban services and housing beyond current urban boundaries. Expansion of urban boundaries without comprehensive study of all of a municipalities land needs and the entire infrastructure system (now no longer possible in much of southern Ontario with removal of Upper tier planning (Regional). The proposal to include market demand as a consideration is ludicrous. Rural lands with important agricultural, and environmental lands would be lost due to short sighted developer greed. How would the expansion of boundaries and urban services (which have to follow) be coordinated?
I further strongly disagree with any expansion of residential housing in rural areas. I have seen first hand how increased residential use negatively impacts agricultural uses. Increasing rural residential uses would require private septic systems further putting agricultural and the environment at risk and in conflict as private systems are difficult to monitor and ensure proper standards.
Loss of employment lands also seems very shortsighted. Where are all of the people going to work??? They can't buy the fancy single detached homes (built on Greenbelt lands!!!!) with Walmart jobs! We need places to work too.
If Growth Management for large and fast growing municipalities means expansion of major highways - highways that do not solve any transportation problem -
I support changes that support transit supportive densities.
All residential development in rural areas will negatively impact agriculture.
Changes to natural heritage system that would allow for loss of wetlands, escarpment natural lands is not acceptable. We simply cannot re-create these environments elsewhere. They are irreplaceable. Too many times Impact Studies prepared by developers already gloss over true impacts.

Is the land use planning policy really to blame for the supply of housing?? I don't think it is. The government should support living wages for people. Densities that support transit. Education policies that increase trades. Housing shortage cannot be addressed by decimating land use policy in favour of developers.
What policy concepts from the Provincial Policy Statement and A Place to Grow are helpful for ensuring there is a sufficient supply and mix of housing and should be included in the new policy

An out-come focused policy that does not look at all outcomes, that only looks at increased residential/housing and does not look at all outcomes and impacts is disastrous for Ontario. We need policy that put climate change at the centre of all policy NOT HOUSING!!!