With all the talk in recent…

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With all the talk in recent years surrounding how important our water is, and how important it is to protect our waters, it’s absolutely stunning to read about the plans for Bill 23.

To pave over some of our most fertile soils is downright criminal. 78 of 200 species at risk rely on our protected greenbelt. Our greenbelt needs to remain intact to continue keeping our ecosystem healthy. PERIOD.

It’s clear that our government hasn’t taken a single minute to review what destroying our greenbelt to construct houses really means for the environment or us.

Never mind that almost NONE OF US can afford a property tax hike, I know exactly who is going to pay for this infrastructure. I have a good government job, and my husband works 50hrs a week in construction, and we still have yet to be able to pay for our 2022 land taxes. We’ve opted to pay for the propane bill (median $500 a month to keep our 1000sqft home at 65!!), seeing as if we don’t heat our home we would literally freeze to death. Which honestly, I think the government of this entire country is likely gunning for at this point.

I’d really like for Ford to stop and listen to people for once, and not just the people lining his pockets.

Please do better than our Federal Government to protect our land and water. It’s an absolute shame that I voted you in, trusting you would do what is best for your Province. And here I am, disgusted.