These proposed changes ignore local expertise and choices, are environmentally irresponsible, encourage urban sprawl and thus threaten arable soil which is a dwindling and irreplaceable resource, wetlands that are being filled in with no oversight, food security and quality, and alienate municipalities and their citizens.
Superseding Official Plans and zoning that have cost time, money and energy to put into place is disrespectful and dangerous. Each location is unique and local knowledge is key to good decision making. Removing a sense of ownership and control with autocratic and undemocratic top down decision making and policy creates distrust, resentment and a lack of faith in the cooperation between tiers.
A better idea would be to offer to pay for infrastructure costs like road and bridges, sewage treatment and municipal well costs instead. That would put the infrastructure in place for housing rather the cart before the horse housing before infrastructure.
Ignore local municipalities at your peril with these bully tactics, lack of proper oversight, and undemocratic disempowerment. No one wants tickytacky, poor quality housing in their communities built by developers who do not understand or respect the community!
Public meetings at least give the illusion of feedback and involvement! They provide meaningful feedback as well.
Architectural proper design, and fulsome landscaping prevent the brutalist crap development of early communist Russia famous only for strong arm tactics and poor quality. No one is going to Russia to see the wonders of their twentieth century design or architecture.
Aggregate mining is one of the most environmentally destructive practices with below the water line mining, dangerous blasting, lack of recovery as so many lie abandoned as a blight on the landscape, and their trucks and equipment constant wear and tear on roads and bridges. It is interesting that Cement Canada could comment on these measure but municipalities and heritage groups were not allowed their input!
No wonder morale inside so many Ministries and in the general public is so low! This kind of heavy handed, disrespectful and dangerous policy that serves donors and developers before the province is a short sighted and cynical and a huge mistake!
Start over with proper consultation with municipalities, First Nations, Conservation Authorities, Architectural Heritage, and environmental groups! Take some time to do this right! Take climate change into account, and do a much better job for Ontarions, please!
Once water, soil, our environment, biodiversity, and trust in government is gone, it does not come back easily if at all!
Submitted December 15, 2022 1:15 PM
Comment on
Review of A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement
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