I was shocked to hear that…

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I was shocked to hear that these train and trial facilities even existed and to think that the govt. is thinking of authorizing licences for more of these centres is appalling. 24 train and trial centres are already 24 TOO many. I’m sure 98% of Canadians do not know about these and would be infuriated and disgusted that they are even allowed to exist. Trapping a wild animal is bad enough, but to allow someone to keep this animal alive, who I’m sure have sustained injuries due to the trap, to use these animals as “bait”???? This is no better than the illegal dog fighting rings, the only difference being the govt. has okayed this barbaric activity. It’s cruel and all the present licenses should be pulled. There is NO reason for anyone to use “live” bait. It doesn’t matter if the animals they’re trapping have sustainable numbers, that’s not the important part, the part that should be first and foremost is the horrific act itself, it’s barbaric and extremely cruel. Are these wild captive animals killed, torn apart by these hunting dogs??? If this is the case, what in the world makes this ok? How is this any different from people using cats or dogs as bait? It’s not, it’s just as cruel and if anything it should be ILLEGAL. I pray to god this gets out to the mainstream news outlets. Hopefully if there is enough public outcry we can put a stop to this altogether.