I was disgusted to read that there are existing areas in this province where dogs are trained to capture and kill penned animals. This is a barbaric practice as it stands. I was even more horrified to learn that there is a plan afoot to increase the number of these areas. This is a cruel and unnecessary and unfair practice. I am not a hunter and know little of the "sport", but I cannot understand how training a dog to shred its prey is in any way beneficial. I sincerely hope this savage practice is not allowed to extend any further t itself han it already does, and I would like to suggest that the existing pens be dismantled. The proposal is presented in disingenuous, "government speak" language in an unwelcoming website to navigate, and hides the actual meaning.
Please do not approve!
Submitted May 16, 2023 1:26 PM
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Proposal to allow the issuance of licences for new dog train and trial areas and the transfer of licences
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