May 17, 2023 To: Ministry of…

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May 17, 2023

To: Ministry of Natural Resources

RE: ERO # 019-3685

I am writing to object to the proposed changes which would allow for more of these dog training compounds to be licensed and for the transfer of existing licenses. I strongly believe that these compounds must be phased out which is the intent of the existing legislation which prevents establishment of new compounds and transfer of licenses for existing ones.

Foxes and Coyotes are intelligent animals with a complex social structure. I have seen one of these compounds and they clearly involve cruelty to animals in that they take these wild animals out of their natural environment and subject them to extreme stress by:
- Trapping them to capture them for transfer to the compound – they suffer while being trapped
- Confining them within a fenced-in area which is contrary to their nature where they are intended to roam freely in search of food, providing for their families and interacting socially with other members of their species
- Repeatedly subjecting them to the stress of being chased by dogs without their usual ability to escape since they are confined to a fenced in area
- Being confined with no escape route increases the probability that they will be caught by dogs and torn apart while still alive – barbaric to say the least!

I have had the privilege of watching a fox couple raise their kits near my parents barn years ago. They have many similarities to human parents. For example, when they were exhausted by the kits, one of the parents would go to a spot and dig up a dead groundhog and give it to the kits to play with so they could get a break. Then when the kits were done with it, they buried it again in the same place for next time. While they were growing up, it was clear to see the different personalities emerging in the kits, just like human children.

All wildlife is currently being subjected to additional stress due to climate change and also more and more encroachment on their natural habitat by development such as strip development along roads and subdivision housing in rural areas. To submit these intelligent animals to additional suffering in these compounds instead of letting them live their own lives as nature intended is beyond appalling. Given the supposed commitment to “Sustainability” by our provincial government, this proposed change in legislation is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

I live in a rural area where many people hunt. While I am not against hunting in a fair manner where animals are not confined and have the possibility to escape from hunters and dogs, I am very much against these compounds where wild animals are subjected to so much stress as listed above. I note that many of the hunters in rural areas are also against these compounds for the same reason – they violate their ethics regarding “fair game”.

I’m sure you know that hunters make up a very small minority of people in this province, and given that many of them do not support these compounds, it is clear that the VAST majority of Ontario residents would be appalled and outraged by these compounds if they knew about them. Most do not know of their existence and to learn that the Ministry is considering changing legislation to allow more of these instead of phasing them out at a time when sustainability, climate change and environmental harm is so high on everyone’s agenda is just out of touch with majority opinion and unbelievable! Why would the Ministry consider making these changes to pander to such a small minority of our population? That is NOT democracy!!!