The environmental assessment…

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The environmental assessment has very material omissions:
- Exclusion of the indoor waterpark which will require large amounts of energy to heat in the winter and cool in the summer.
- The impact that adding thousands of parking spots will have on auto usage, congestion, and air quality
- The impact a waterpark will have on water treatment and wastewater.
- The impact the impervious Therme structure will have on birds, fish, and surrounding aquatic habitat.
- The impact the private development will have on the "highly vulnerable aquifer"
- The impact the Therme structure and parking lots will have on local flood risk, compared to a permeable park

The operating and maintenance costs of the underground parking garage do not seem to consider the ongoing costs of preventing water seepage from the lake.

This redevelopment is a horrible desecration of public realm. To build an indoor waterpark and underwater parking garage, instead of enhancing and showcasing the beautiful lakefront that we have, as we march towards climate catastrophe, is a monstrous misuse of public funds, and a squandering of a once in a generation opportunity.