Hello, I’d just like to say…


I’d just like to say that our community is 100% against this landfill. Farmers have turned down multi million dollar offers from York1 for good reason. It will ruin our community. We already pay high taxes in Chatham-Kent and the town is trying to expand and build. This will certainly hurt those efforts. Welcome to Dresden, home of the new 80 foot tall dump. 1 short kilometre from the welcome sign to ontarios Christmas capital. Please ignore the lingering odour in the air. Our property values will decrease and taxes will likely need to go up in order to upgrade the infrastructure. These roads aren’t meant for transport trucks hauling 30 tons of garbage 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It’ll bring our tomato run to a whole new level of traffic jam and potential accidents that we’ve never experienced.

Please vote no, and tell these rich businessmen that this isn’t the right spot for a new mega sized landfill.