We attended the town meeting…


We attended the town meeting tonight
Environment Ontario any other permits that would still be valid 40 plus years later, for a business that was dormant at least 3 decades???? YORK1 found a LOOPHOLE. Someone forgot to do the paperwork and we pay the price.

What a joke of a meeting tonight, set up so people couldn’t hear answers.

It’s a landfill but it isn’t a landfill, it’s a
dump but it isn’t a dump,

it’s not a megadump but when they expand it with all the land purchased it will be a megadump,

they are going to save our town by digging up a dormant for at least 30 years, small plot of land that contains 95% ash because standards are different today and move it to a NEW LANDFILL (but this isn’t a new landfill), they are expanding the existing dormant land that was permitted to bury 95% ash, that’s it.

in turn for saving the town of Dresden from a little ash, they are going to truck 2 MILLION TONNES of waste ANNUALLY to the NEW LANDFILL.

So much malarkey. No straight answers. No care for the town, the people, the children, the environment, the roadways, the noise, the traffic, our health, our property values, our way of life.

Imagine breaking into someone’s home, trashing it, forcing them to take 2 MILLION TONNES of WASTE and then trying to live with them.

Trying to victimize and bully and buy the town of Dresden. All based on a 40 year old permit for something entirely different. Shame, shame, shame