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This comment is in regards to York1’s submitted proposal and future plans to build a landfill facility just 1km outside of our town of Dresden. I write to you as a concerned citizen that is close to Irish School Road and has lived in Dresden all of my life. The thought of a megadump being built in our backyard is disheartening and gut wrenching especially when it will be a threat to our entire town and to our water ways. Molly’s Creek which is connected to the Sydenham River, is an ecological paradise that homes freshwater mussels and fish all year round. It is a home to them. Molly’s Creek and our Sydenham River must be protected at all costs. If York1 were to build their dump here, it would inherently affect every aspect of our town and wildlife. This proposal states that York1 would like to use Molly’s Creek as a water way to drain out leachate and other chemicals. If this happens, it would destroy everything Dresden and St. Clair Conservation has worked so hard to keep clean. Please I beg you, as a very concerned citizen who has had family here since the early 1900s, please do not let them do this.

York1 has made no comment in regards to how this will affect the economy of our town as well as the infrastructure. If this pushes through, that will mean over 170 trucks will be driving through town every single day bringing in garbage from the GTA. The garbage they will be bringing will contain both hazardous and non-hazardous material, at one point stating materials with asbestos. It will wreck our roads and become a risk of safety towards our children. Upon looking at York1’s reviews on google, there is many complaints from people stating they are dangerous drivers and do not respect the rules of the roads. I can only imagine the parents of our community worry about their children.

York1 plans to run this landfill 24/7, 365 days a year, if this is true, the amount of noise pollution and odour will encompass the entire town. If I’m not wrong, any landfill facility must remain 3.5km outside of a municipality or community. Again, I beg you from the bottom of my heart, please do not let them take advantage and destroy our town.

One of the thousands of concerned people of Chatham-Kent.