The proponent is applying to…


The proponent is applying to open a closed dump site within 1km of the town of Dresden Ontario. Using zoning that was put in place to allow the storage of ash from a incinerator that was used to burn local garbage. The initial land use doesn't compare to what is current being proposed by York1. I believe, according to new laws, that no new dumps will be placed within 3.5 km of a town or community.

This application should be treated as a new dump application with all rules, zoning, environmental assessments, notification to concerned parties being applied.

The location makes this dump a complete nonviable application. It is within the boundaries set up by the Government of Ontario. The zoning for the piece of land is being stretched to fit the applicants usage. Other concerns which have not been addressed the environment, ground water, noise pollution, air pollution and traffic concerns.

This application should never have gotten this far as it far exceeds proper usage under current zoning and also infringes on the border of Dresden.