Why were we NOT made aware…


Why were we NOT made aware of this proposal? We only found out as local residients days before the closing date for comments. This is totally underhand. This area should be environmentally protected as is habitat for turtles & deer. You only have to actually walk on the road to see this should be a protected area. Why/How is it possible to even consider this when the proposed site is in a residential area? There are far more suitable sites away from residential properties. ALL the local residents are on WELL water. There is no option to be on mains water. You are condemning people apart from obviously devaluing homes. No one will want to live here.
As a concerned resident, I oppose the establishment of a contaminated soil treatment plant at 1490 Winhara Road. The increased truck volume associated with the plant will undoubtedly damage the road infrastructure, creating safety hazards for both drivers and pedestrians alike. Additionally, the heightened traffic poses a significant risk to people walking dogs in the area, as they may encounter increased noise, pollution, and potential accidents.
Furthermore, the presence of such a facility could jeopardize the safety of residents who rely on well water. Contaminants from the treatment process could potentially leach into the groundwater, posing serious health risks to those who depend on well water for their daily needs.
Overall, the introduction of a contaminated soil treatment plant at this location poses numerous threats to the community's well-being and safety, and therefore should be reconsidered.