I am a concerned homeowner…


I am a concerned homeowner on Winhara RD

I am concerned about the traffic that the Terranevo plant will bring to Winhara Rd. This road was redone just a few years ago. With frost heaves, potholes and soft shoulders, this road can not handle the added stress of up to 128 dump trucks per day.

I am also concerned about the Highway 118 and Winhara Rd intersection. We have seen multiple accidents here over the years. We often, especially during the Spring/Summer/Fall months, have traffic backed up on Winhara Rd trying to enter either lane. This will also affect the Highway 11 North exit ramp onto Highway 118 and the on ramp to Highway 11 South.

This facility will be operating from 7am - 7pm and as stated on their website they cover "the Toronto and Muskoka regions". We have children waiting for the School bus in the morning and coming home in the afternoon. Will these trucks be lining up to unload at 7am? Will these drivers coming from the Toronto area understand that this is a residential area with children playing? I raised 3 girls on this road, my friends and neighbors have children who ride their bikes on this road.

I am concerned we do not know how the contaminated soil is treated, stored and what is done with the contaminates? There are multiple bodies of water on the proposed site not to mention the homes with wells in the area.

I am concerned about the impact this will have on the value of my home. We, currently, live in a quiet "rural" neighborhood. Over the years we have seen homes on this road sold with new families joining our community, and new homes built. With the housing market as it is and the potential to sell or build more homes on Winhara Rd, this facility will greatly impact the decisions of future homeowners on Winhara Rd.

I understand this facility could be a welcome operation for Gravenhurst, with the creation of new jobs. However I do not think this location is the right place for it.