Regarding- ERO number 019…


Regarding- ERO number 019-8211

Good evening,

I reside on Winhara Road and have recently become aware of a new proposal for Environmental Compliance Approval regarding Terranevo Soil Resources Limited partnering with Lionston Hospitality Inc on a new waste disposal site located in Gravenhurst ON. I am deeply concerned about how this proposal will affect the surrounding environment and our quality of life.

After learning about the proposal, I have several questions and concerns regarding its implementation. Who & where should I address them? These questions pertain to both the facility and environmental management.

Could you please also advise if this proposal falls under Class I, II or III?

I would also like to understand the public notification method used (outside of the registry), as I was surprised that written (or similar) notification methods were not applied due to the potential hazards this type of facility has.

I request that the process be paused to allow the community time to comprehend the company's operation and allow us the opportunity to ask any questions regarding the waste disposal plant, its impact on the area, and the emergency response plans for accidents.

Kind regards