While this property is zoned…


While this property is zoned for aggregate pit the zoning happened before this area became heavily residential. Putting a contaminated soil plant into a residential area is a risk to health and well being. Our homes are on well water and while the proposal says the contaminated soil will be on hard ground and with a roof what guarantees are there that none of this contaminated soil will end up in our water ways or leach into our grounds. Given the high water tables in this area this is a significant concern. This soil can leach into the soil or groundwater and contaminate our well water and lakes.
In addition to health concerns the presence of a contaminated soil plant will decrease property values in our neighborhood. Potential buyers may be deterred by perceived risks associated with living near this facility. This will have a negative impact on anyone looking to sell or refinance.
A plant of this size will emit unpleasant odors and noise pollution which will disrupt our peace and quiet in this residential neighbourhood. The constant hum of machinery and the noxious smells can make it difficult for the residents on this road to enjoy our home and outdoor spaces. It is crucial for the ministry to carefully the consider the placement of this plant to protect the health and well being of the residents of this road.
Also with 1800 tonnes of contaminated soil being brought in per day in phase 3, that is a lot of truck volume. What appears to be hidden or not clear in this proposal is the rest of the 80% of clean fill that they will need to bring in to mix with the washed soil to then haul it out and resell it. Our road was recently redone and it will not be able to handle this volume of traffic. Whether trucks will be coming onto Winhara from 118 or the gravenhurst side there are no traffic lights, and there has been accidents at the 118 & Winhara intersection and adding this volume of traffic turning onto this road will jeopardize and put at risk not just cars but the pedestrians and cyclists who use this road. Has there been any traffic or environmental studies done on this proposed site to ensure the area can handle this plant.