As a resident very close to…


As a resident very close to this proposed site what is the impact of this plant on well water. There is no option for municipal water on this road and while the proposal discusses how it will not have contaminated soil impact to our ground or water ways we are surrounded by protected wetlands and are very concerned on how any accidents or steps not being followed may impact our health and safety. We have seen first hand of the safety precautions not being taken when they have been blasting at the pit, so while the proposal speaks of measures to not impact water all it will take is a step in the process not being followed or a truck dumping in an incorrect spot and this could have detrimental impact.
Reading the ministry requirements for the trucks that will be hauling contaminated soil, what are the guarantees that none of the contaminated soil will be tracked out into the environment, our road ways or ditches as they are driving up and down this road? When we have seen dump trucks bringing fill onto this road there is sand/soil that can be clearly seen on the roadway especially in and out of the drive way of where they are dumping. Will there be measures put into place to ensure all contaminated soil is under this roofed surface at all times? What about how they are transporting it from where the truck dumped to their wash facility? What if there is any spillage or airborne contaminated soil as they're taking the contaminated soil from the dump site to the wash facility?
Will the company or the ministry be responsible if as a result of this plant our well water does become contaminated? Or will there be guidelines of how frequently well water should be tested?
We strongly feel that this facility does not belong anywhere close to a residential area, and if you look at the map of this road you will see just how many homes are on both sides of this facility. While this site may be zoned for aggregates having contaminated soil that our landfills and other dump sites won't take, we don't think our residential community is the right fit for this proposed plant. This should be in a commercial or industrial area away from private wells.