I am extremely opposed to…


I am extremely opposed to the York1 expansion of the landfill sight North of Dresden !
The dump will be a detriment to our town for the following reasons:

- increased traffic on highway 21 running directly through the centre of town
- devaluation of property throughout the town
- contaminates to both the Sydenham river and Molly’s creek
- extermination of many water species which are currently endangered
- degradation of all roads leading into Dresden coming from all directions, 401 and 402.
- increased noise from trucks running 24/7
- disturbances to churches and schools which are both on Hwy 21
- noises from air brakes especially at the stop lights
- degradation of the bridge over the Sydenham
- it will affect the farmers bringing their produce into Conagra

There will be no good from allowing this dump proposal to be passed.
Chatham- Kent- Lambton Council , please help us!!!!