The communication to the…


The communication to the public on this has been abysmal, which unfortunately inspires critically minded citizens to wonder: what are they hiding; what is the true agenda here? In any event, the way in which this plan/business is being implemented is an insult to the people who live on Winhara Road and those of us who use it at least twice a week as the preferred route from Gravenhurst to Bracebridge. Preferred because it's (relatively) casual and scenic compared with the alternatives. The influx of truck traffic to Winhara Road, which was never designed to accommodate such traffic--that alone should have shut down the very notion of this enterprise. I appreciate the value of the kind of operation being proposed here. But surely it needn't be situated a stone's throw from homes without the infrastructure needed to support it in the first place. But since work in the area has already been going on, again I must wonder: what are they hiding; what is the true agenda? I'm inclined to believe the deal is already green-lit. I truly hope I am wrong and that the Ministry will do the correct thing here by conducting serious studies of the environmental (including human) effects of this enterprise.