Hi. I have some concerns…


Hi. I have some concerns regarding a soil contamination plant in Gravenhurst. Many people that live near the proposed site are on wells. There are several bodies of water also near this site that water our wildlife along with providing homes for endangered animals. I can’t see this being a place to set up this plant. I don’t understand why it’s even being considered. Muskoka is known for its varied wildlife and you plan on building a plant that deals with contaminated soil? Our wildlife is having enough trouble dealing with having their habitat taking away from housing now you’re going to add poison to the mix and endanger all animals along with those on the endangered list? Not acceptable! Not acceptable that the people who rely on wells now have to worry about contamination of their wells. There is no town water/sewers on Winhara. The proposed plant would need to have a well which would affect the existing wells and a massive septic system. It just doesn’t make sense to build there. I respectfully request this plan be cancelled and you look elsewhere. Muskoka already has issues with illegal dumping, we don’t need to have a company legally doing it in our backyards.