I've been driving past this…


I've been driving past this development on Winhara Rd. and am wondering, how did this land get zoned for this? The land is in the middle of a residential neighbourhood and this development has no business being built around where people live! Truck traffic will be atrocious. I wouldn't want to live there. This is going to devalue everyone's homes. Not to mention Winhara Rd isn't built to take all that heavy traffic. The fact there is a load restriction on Winhara Rd right now is proof trucks don't belong on Winhara Rd. Whomever made the decision to put this near homes needs to give their heads a shake! Because, as it is right now, given that actions speak louder than words, I'm sure someone's pockets are getting stuffed to allow this! It is common sense to not put this near homes. But I guess common sense isn't so common anymore. ~head hanging low shaking it at the future of muskoka~