Is there supporting…


Is there supporting documents that can be emailed to me showing the Environmental studies on species at risk on this property?

Are there studies available showing the effects of this operation on the wells and the watershed as this is part of an aquifer that comes from the Muskoka Airport that feeds into Gull Lake and the Ad Hoc River as well as part of the watershed that flows through Suttaby Bay into Lake Muskoka.

Has the proponent been required to do hydrology testing?

Has the proponent been required to provide noise studies?

How come there is blasting on site and other construction activities prior to this being approved?

Has the proponent provided transportation studies showing number of trucks in this residential area that will be on the roads and the times and frequency of same?

Have all the adjacent property owners been notified of the soil washing facility and if so on what date and which properties- please provide a list and copy of notice?

Are you going to extend the time frame on this commenting process due to the short notice (possibly only verbal) that taxpayers/homeowners/general public became if aware of this just days ago to allow for proper and fair due diligence and commenting to be done?

Please email me the following:

All environmental studies required for approval including hydrology, species at risk, wetland evaluation, traffic analysis, noise analysis, site plan clearing.

All notices to adjacent land owners and if not reasons why you don’t require notices.

Answer to question if you will provide an extension to comment

The site will not allow me to add files.

Please contact me for these at my email.

The residents of this area oppose this due to noise, truck traffic and request more information on this operation. The owner should cease all blasting and activity that has destroyed species at risk and trees.

I request information showing that this proponent has not already or will not in future development of property (through studies)affect the watershed and cause detrimental and environmental damage to wetlands and/or the watershed as this is in an area that leads to the Provincially Significant Wetlands in Bracebridge, a groundwater source of the aquifer at the airport feeds the Provincially significant wetlands and this operation could potentially affect the functioning of this.

This area is now developed as residential not industrial. Children and families live here.

Please do your due diligence.

I could not add supporting files. Please advise through my email how to send these.