I have nothing against the…


I have nothing against the concept that York 1 has for a Regenerative Recycling Facility, -feel the concept is good, I do though feel very strongly that this is NOT the proper property for it. Within 1km of this property you have a local Cemetery, Over 30 Residential Home (not to mention the 100's more located just past that 1km mark, including a highschool and 2 public schools) 100's of Acreage of prime farm land and 2 water ways that have dozens of protected species in them.

York 1 is trying to slide under grandfathered rules using an old permit issued during an era that did not take environmental issues into effect. We have just got back our Bald Eagles, Pike, Mussels and many other protected species in the Sydenham River by fixing our waterways and stopping contamination, how could the Ministry of Environmental even consider allowing this to happen. There has got to be a better suited property in Ontario for this to be built. Somewhere it is already industrial, where running 24/7 is not going to affect the physical and mental wellbeing of the over 1000 people who live within 3.5 km, where there isnt protected waterway, where the roads/bridges/infrastructure is already there. In less then a month our roads will be filled with Tractors, wagens and farm machinery. We do NOT have room for 700 more trucks. There is a reason the new laws for these types of facilities are in place. I BEG YOU to NOT allow this company to bypass those rules because a municipality made a mistake 40 years ago by not closing this permit. This property is NOT being used as an active landfill and there fore should not be allowed to proceed without following all the new rules required for a New Landfill.