Molly’s Creek runs through…


Molly’s Creek runs through the back of the proposed York1 waste facility site and this naturally run spring feeds into the Sydenham river. The river has over 80 species of fish and 34 species of freshwater mussels many which are endangered. The potential threat of water contamination from leachate is high and could compromise our local water supply. Runoff from the landfill can seep into our groundwater and pollute our waterways which will affect not only our water quality but the ecosystems in Mollys Creek and the Sydenham river. The proposed site is within 1km of town, 1.5km from our high school and 2.5km from our elementary school and the whole town is within 3.5km from the site. Soil pollution is another major concern, we are an agricultural community that grows several crops that feed Canadians, from wheat, to tomatoes, corn, strawberries, beans etc. and these farm fields surround the proposed site. The proposed waste facility will result in the destruction of natural habitats along the Sydenham river and will also impact the surrounding wildlife that are currently there. The construction and potential operation of a 24/7 landfill will jeopardize local ecosystems and affect wildlife behaviour from the noise and traffic that will increase in this area. The operation of heavy machinery at the landfill will generate dust affecting our air quality along with the increase in truck traffic that will be hauling up to 6,000 tonnes of waste a day. This site would be better located in another area in Ontario that is not surrounded by waterways and is not in close proximity to a residential area.