I am disgusted by the…


I am disgusted by the proposal. This "dump" would be approx 1 km from the town of Dresden. Molly's Creek runs along the proposed site. This creek drains into the Syndenham river posing a concern for water contamination. Leachate can seep into this waterway as well as into the wells in the area. Allowing this dump to settle on this site poses a huge threat to the ecosystem affecting animals and vegetation they rely on. We are a large farming community and this "dump" threatens the soil and therefore the produce that feeds our families. Conagra is in Dresden and relies on local tomato crops. The close proximity to town is unfair to residents. We would have to deal with a large increase in traffic, safety issues for motorists and pedestrians, noise and air pollution. It would be near both our public school and high school. I am hoping that money will not talk in this situation. These type of operations would be better served off the 401 - on road ways able to handle this traffic and NOT in a residential area. This needs to be shut down!!!!