Hello I live in the town of…


Hello I live in the town of Dresden, Ontario. I have made myself known at the picketing event outside of Dresden, with my children getting front cover of our local news paper supporting the cause to save their air quality by lack of pollutants to their local air space (within 5km from their school), along with protecting the aquatic animals in the waterways and that inhabit the banks and area as they migrate or live here year round.
My children are 9 and 11 and understand the concept being terrible so close to a town, I am unsure how this big company thinks or has a heart to think this would be okay 1.5kms from a high school and 3 km from the public school. Also this is very flat land and they understand how smoke can travel from other provinces, and anything getting milled or moved around (asbestos, mold, toxins in paints in the construction products etc) will be unseen and only reek havoc on the lung of the innocent people in this town.
We are very unhappy with the idea that this would interfere with our comfort of living in our town, going to work and play in the neighborhood would be downgraded, our homes and value to the quality of life here will go down. This will be substantial impact for business owners, and I just got my business diploma in order to start a business here--- I will not be doing that to better my quality of life in this town if this business gets to dump on our town.
This place has been our family home since 2015 and before that I was living in Georgian Bay. There are some historic events that happened in Midland, Ontario area with the local dump there being held accountable for leading to cancer in the surrounding neighbours. Im not sure about anyone in your department, yet I have had too many people I know DIE of cancer. I really dont want it to start being my children or myself, impacting the lungs of everyone here.
The future of the produce our area is known for will be diminishing as well, which WILL impact ALL of Ontario. There is no place for this type of thing near crops or other people. We do not all have masks and covered areas for our crops. All of this was here before they even cut into the soil for their building. We come first!
I have heard that the ground is full of ash and when that is dug up we will all feel it in the lungs, as it should never be unearthed. Please help us be proactive for our children! Thank you