It is very concerning that…


It is very concerning that York 1s proposed landfill is less than 0.5km from our town,when it is known 3.5km or more is required for public safety. This entire dump will be less than the safety requirements for the length of our entire town. This distance is definately unsafe and makes it unfit for the location from the beginning.

The traffic from the GTA through many townships in the surrounding area and Dresden will cause distress to our roads and congestion to already busy agricultural and business areas. Safety is a major concern for children and rural school buses.

Families wells are already being impacted with test drilling. York 1 didn’t notify Dresden residents regarding their proposal to discharge from collection ponds into two Molly’s Creek locations and two roadside ditches until it was too late to comment. York 1 has not be open and honest with their proposal to any of us who actual live here, because they live hours away and don’t care about transparency.

York1s site will cause vegetable contamination, cause harm to farmland and conservations areas along with numerous endangered species. It will cause harm to our Sydenham River where 80 species of fish and 34 species of freshwater muscles reside. It will also cause the destruction of spawning grounds.

The landfill will increase risks of flooding as we endure heavy rainfalls and inches of rain at one time.

York 1 will cause constant light and noise pollution along with mental stress for residents dealing with the safety issues for their families.

It’s not hard for any resident of Dresden to see that York 1 is not suppose to be here at this ridiculous location- 0.5 km away our thriving rural community.

Safety doesn’t have a price tag!!