I think the decision to pass…


I think the decision to pass legislation forcing an Individual EA on this project is government over reach.

I have lived in Ontario almost my entire life and I have worked in the Solid Waste industry for the last 20 years.

Ontario is in dire need of landfill space and the NIMBY attitude towards projects of this nature is only making the situation worse. The provincial government should be working to permit more landfills to reduce the burden and manage our solid waste in province instead of trucking it to the United States.

The province has no plan for our current landfill crisis. The province is about 10 years away from running out of landfill space and the majority of the landfill capacity that does exist is in a small number of landfills. The above noted crisis get's worse if Michigan and New York stop importing waste from Ontario. Each and every election cycle a US politician runs on closing the border to Ontario waste.

Instead of a plan, the Province stands in the way of projects that are being implemented to ease the strain on our current landfills.

The Dresden Landfill is an existing permitted landfill with no listed capacity. Instead of explaining this fact to the general public, the province has instead bent to the outrage by the public. What is the point to having a process in place, in this case ECA Amendments, if all it takes is a few angry people to force legislation?

For years all we heard was how the PC's would run to lessen government over reach, you know cause the "Liberals did it" and now here we are with the PC government using those same over reach tactics. The whole thing smells of double talk, political flip flopping and a lack of process for proponents to follow. Maybe that is what the PC's wanted all along though.