I strongly oppose the…


I strongly oppose the revocation of the public's appeal rights to the Tribunal.
Bill 185, Schedule 12, WRONGLY seeks to remove the public's ability to appeal the adoption or amendment of Official Plans and Zoning By-Laws to the Tribunal.
Amendments in Bill 185, and related amendments to the Provincial Planning Statement are also opposed.
Reasons as follows:
.-Sprawl development would be rampant which will create destruction of natural environment, more loss of land for agriculture and the results of these amendments will only make the situation worse.
.- to be FAIR and jUST members of the public must have appeal rights
.-regarding environmental concerns, noise pollution, effects related to climate change etc, there should be an efficient method for the public to express the concerns of their community in a timely reasonable fashion -NOT silenced with only a select group (a developer) to have a voice
.-The public has a right to protect their property, their communities as well as the overall environment of health and surroundings